Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Street Fighter 6 – the final preview: World Tour rounds out a genre-defining feature set

Street Fighter 6 may well be one of the greatest turn-arounds in gaming history. Cast your mind back to 2016, to the release of the deeply flawed Street Fighter 5. The bones of that package were pretty strong - but there also wasn’t much meat on them. In fact, if you didn’t want to play multiplayer, you were pretty much out of luck. It was a shocking, sloppy-feeling launch package. SF5 did improve over the years. It’s nowhere near as good as SF4, but I find it to be an enjoyable experience with a good amount of content in all modes. But it took the developers years, and a leadership overhaul, to get there. And perhaps SF5 is what needed to happen to learn a few potent lessons. Those lessons have been fully embraced in Street Fighter 6. Let’s be fair. I’ve talked about all of this before. I gushed about the game at a first limited hands-on, and then again later when the cast expanded. I’m one of only two fighting ame enthusiasts on VG247’s staff, too - and so I haven’t even been alone, with Connor also voicing his extreme excitement for SF6. But this most recent hands-on - the last before we’ll be downloading a final version of the game - is different. Read more

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