Thursday, June 29, 2023

Diablo 4 player is the first in the world to find Andariel's Visage, one of rarest items in the game

Blizzard recently had to clarify some details about the rarest Unique drops in Diablo 4 following fan confusion regarding whether or not they're actually in the game, and how players can go about finding it. Unsurprisingly, the developer confirmed that yes, the items are in the game, but they're incredibly rare. There are six of them, to be exact, and while they can drop from anywhere in the game where traditional Uniques can, your chances of getting them are very slim. But just a couple of days later, one player lucked out, and the game droppped one of the fabled Uniques for them. According to WoW Head, Diablo 4 player YesYou found Andariel's Visage, a Unique helmet that has a very high Lucky Hit chance to trigger a poison nova. The effect applies 10,077 Poisoning damage over five seconds to enemies in the area. Andariel's Visage also comes with Life Steal, which does exactly what you think it does. Read more

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