Friday, July 21, 2023

Now you can pet your very own Elden Ring dog

Elden Ring may be well over a year old at this point, but that doesn't mean we've forgotten about one of our favourite characters from the game. But what if you don't have to go into the game to hang out with them? Well, collectible maker Youtooz has partnered with Bandai Namco to create a range of plushies based on Elden Ring characters, including everyone's favourite: Miriel, the Pastor of Vows, and ever-comforting presence at the Church of Vows. Or, as the community has taken to calling them: Dog! If you're unfamiliar, the 'dog' meme is one born from the player messages many have left around Miriel. When they're not helping other players get to hidden areas or find out-of-the-way treasures, player messages would be trolling them, convincing some unfortunate souls to jump to their deaths with the promise that it's totally safe. Read more

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