Friday, July 7, 2023

Street Fighter 6's first new DLC character looks like a breath of fresh air

Rashid - the first DLC character for Street Fighter 6 - is coming to the game July 24. A fan favourite from Street Fighter 4, Rashid is a devastating rushdown character able to leap high and engage with tricky aerial setups with his win-based kit. He can also throw tornadoes at you, which y'know, is cool! Rashid is also the series' first middle eastern character, so it's lush seeing him make a return. His reveal comes with a brand-new trailer showcasing his moveset. We see a lot of his older move list returning, as well as some truly despicable combos. With the character dropping just before Evo, you can be sure people will be grinding him out and digging up as much potential as they can. Read more

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