Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Diablo 4 1.1.2 patch speeds up Malignant farming, fixes the damn A Boon in the Tide bug

Now that we're in the post-patch 1.1.0 era of Diablo 4, Blizzard has been making good on its promise to share patch notes ahead of the release of patches. The next update, patch 1.1.2, arrives Tuesday, August 15 on all platforms. 1.1.2 is not going to be as big as either of the recent patches, so don't expect any major balance tweaks or massive new features. Instead, the update focuses mostly on fixing bugs. That said, it does bring a welcome tweak to Malignant Heart farming. When you kill a Malignant Monster, they drop a Malignant Heart. Activating the heart (which spawns a tougher version of the same monster) used to take five seconds. After the patch, it will now take just two seconds - which should speed up that grind just a little. Read more

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