Sunday, September 24, 2023

A gorgeous, must-play indie puzzler is free on Epic Game Store game this week

Want some free games? Well, the Epic Games Store has got them. This week – until September 28 – you are able to download both Out of Line and The Forest Quartet, both games with fairly good review scores and delicious art styles. But there’s one in particular that I want to draw attention to. First up, there’s Out of Line: a unique adventure game filled with beautiful puzzles, all hand-drawn in a unique 2D style. It’s got 103 reviews averaging 9/10 on Steam, and you know what that’s like when it comes to user reviews on that storefront! Some professional critics have allied it ‘enjoyable but bland’ or ‘beautifully simple, if not a little unremarkable’. For the sake of giving it a go and saving $8, though, it’s worth a shot, right? Next up is The Forest Quartet, a 3D narrative puzzler that’s genuinely something special. It’s a game about three musicians that need to figuratively and literally get the band back together after their lead singer dies. Between pulling at the heartstrings and making you scratch your head with some obtuse puzzles, the game is a gorgeous little indie that has a lot to say (and says it very well). Read more

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