Sunday, September 10, 2023

What are you playing this weekend?

It's that time of the week again: time to relax and have some fun. Hopefully, you've got plans to do something other than adult things you were unable to during the week and will be able to put your feet up, kick back, and play some games. There are quite a few news ones out there, and two big ones you may or may not have heard of along with some nice indies. We're going to spend our fun time playing some games. This weekend, we're going hardcore, hunting monsters, learning the ins and outs of being an up-and-coming yakuza, deciphering ancient tongues, exploring the stars, getting involved in teenage drama, and contemplating a trip to the Lone Star State. Read more

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Could Riot have left clues for what the next 2XKO character is?

With 2XKO finally getting an alpha playtest announcement (which you can sign up for right now), a tempting trail of breadcrumbs has been lef...