Sunday, October 22, 2023

How's Starfield modding going, so far? Its most (in)famous train-obsessed creator talks life on "the frontier"

“Look at his face,” modder Kevin Brock, aka Trainwiz, says of Thomas the Tank Engine, when I ask him why he thinks the wholesome locomotive has become such a pervasive running gag within modding communities.

“How could you not laugh at that? There's no soul behind those eyes, not a smidgen of regret for the blood he's spilled,” he continues, “Frankly, if he were animated in any way, it'd take away the hilarity of the joke.”

Brock is fresh off of bringing that joke to Starfield in his own special way, by creating a mod which swaps out the default model of every single ship in the Settled Systems for Sir Topham Hat’s best train.

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