Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Someone call 2004, Fortnite's next big event looks set to feature Eminem

Fortnite’s next big live event, dubbed “The Big Bang’, will take place on December 2, and, in addition to bringing about “a new beginning” for the game, looks like it’ll feature a cameo from rapper Eminem.

Yes, that Eminem. The guy who was very cheeky and popular in the late 90s and early 2000s, and has remained kind of cheeky and popular ever since. He can still do a decent tease though, as the grandmothers of the world have found out.

Following a bunch of speculation that Mr Nem might be participating in the event or at least receiving his own in-game skin, the rapper has shared a teaser for his arrival in Fortnite on Twitter. In the short clip, we get a nice shot of the Earth that soon zooms in on a family’s television, which is soon emblazoned with the Fortnite logo followed by a backwards letter E.

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