Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Finals dev has a very strange response to outrage over its use of AI voices

After drawing criticism online over The Finals using AI voice performances, developer Embark Studios has defended the decision.

Last week, a tweet showing off some of the voice acting in The Finals made it seem like the game used AI voices, which was confirmed through a podcast interview with one of the game's audio designers. Embark Studios has now provided a statement to IGN where it defended the use of AI, and tried to explain how it uses it. "We use a combination of recorded voice audio and audio generated via TTS tools in our games, depending on the context," a spokesperson told IGN.

"Sometimes, recording real scenes where actors get together - allowing character chemistry and conflict to shape the outcome - is something that adds depth to our game worlds that technology can’t emulate. Other times, especially when it relates to contextual in-game action call-outs, TTS allows us to have tailored voice over where we otherwise wouldn't, for example due to speed of implementation."

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