Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Rockstar’s parent company is reportedly in a dispute with Remedy over a logo featuring the letter R

Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games, is reportedly in a trademark dispute with Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment, with the former having claimed that the latter’s logo featuring the letter R resembles its own.

This has resulted in Take-Two opposing the trademarks filed by Remedy for two different logo designs via the UK’s Intellectual Property Office, as you can see noted on the listings here and here. It’s an interesting situation to say the least, given that the companies entered an agreement to work together to facilitate remakes of the first two Max Payne games just last year.

The notices revealing Take-Two’s opposition to the two trademarks linked above were spotted by RespawnFirst, which has reported that Take-Two’s opposition stems from the fact it believes “there exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public” regarding Remedy’s logos and its own.

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