Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tekken 8 review: Back(dash), and better than ever

I do my best to create a 1-to-1 recreation of Margaret Thatcher in the Tekken 8 avatar creator for 20 minutes, before giving up and heading into an online lobby at 11PM. There, I lounge at the beach and practice some combos before an American reviewer hops online and sits down at a cab. He buries me alive. I download each replay and pick them apart. I mess around with some other characters, and chuckle one of them transforms a salmon into a giant missile. Tekken is truly back.

Back, and arguably better than ever. Tekken 8 is the latest entry in the legendary 3D fighting game franchise and has gigantic shoes to fill. Tekken 7, while certainly flawed, slowly grew into a world-spanning competitive title that wrestled the hearts of many, even as newer and flashier games were released around it. There is an expectation that Tekken 8 must see the bar set by its predecessor and wall jump over it. Tekken 8 manages the feat.

Let's break it down piece-by-piece, starting with the bits I always find most important when jumping into a new fighter. The online stability is fine in Tekken 8, but not genre-leading in any regard. Reviewers were given two days to try the game online, during which I played with various others from the UK, Europe, and America. Games against those in my own country (using wifi or otherwise) were smooth and frustration-free. The same goes with European matches, although a few brief hiccups here and there were noticeable.

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