Saturday, March 16, 2024

What are you playing this weekend?

Tomorrow is Sunday, a day of worship and repentance for many. A day to tell the Lord what you did wrong during the week, ask for forgiveness and say a few prayers before returning home to have a large lunch and a good nap. For some, there's no better start to the week than a Sunday with a clear conscience.

For others, there will be no Hail Marys or Our Fathers, well, at least in the traditional sense. Instead, there will be exclamations. These will go along the lines of "Dear God in heaven!" and "Holy Mother of God make it stop!" and there may even be a "fecking hell!" thrown in for good measure.

Laments such as these come from the lot that got completely sloshed on St. Paddy's Day Eve and turned their Sunday into an entirely different ecumenical matter by hovering over the gaping maw of a porcelain throne to expunge the evil from their stomachs.

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