Friday, April 26, 2024

After the Helldivers 2's community's latest victory, here's more good news - those "impossible" citizen evac missions will be adjusted soon

Helldivers 2's most recent Major Order really came down to the wire, but the community managed to pull out a victory that's really impressive - given how dire the situation looked earlier this week. The celebrations haven't ended there either, with Arrowhead having indicated that some evac missions which've been proving near impossible should be adjusted soon.

Yup, after plenty of arguing about the difficulty hardcore players were having in trying to convince all of their casual pals that they needed to pitch in, the same tenacity that killed a bunch of bugs the other week helped folks successfully defend ten planets. And their nightmares might not features as many evac mission flashbacks in the near future. You love to see it.

As folks celebrated over on the Helldivers 2 Discord server, community manager Twinbeard provided them with even more reason to get hyped. "To all of you offering feedback on how the bot citizen evac missions are $€@!£X@&! impossible on higher difficulty levels," they wrote, "We agree 100 % and will therefore adjust these in the near future!"

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