Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Best Games Ever Podcast - Extended Edition Info Page

Hello there. If you can see all of this page then we thank you for being a member. You can now enjoy The Best Games Ever Podcast created by VG247 with a cheeky extra section on the end - in both audio and video form! How smashing. If you can't see all of this article, then, "boo, hiss," etc, as you aren't a paid-up member. There's a button to do that under this.

All we're asking for is £2.99 a month or £29.99 a year to get your mitts on the extended show. That is a bargain, I hope you'll agree. I'm not paying it as I work here and star in said podcast, but if I didn't do those things I've be rummaging in my wallet for my debit card instead of writing out these words.

Each week as part of the Extended Best Games Ever Podcast you get to hear what our host, Jim Trinca, picks. Chances are it'll be Sleeping Dogs, something sci-fi (maybe Star Trek), or a game only five other people who have ever lived actually like. If that sounds like you're thing, go ahead and treat yourself to a membership.

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