Sunday, April 21, 2024

Dragon's Dogma 2's next update will tone down Dragonsplague, so you can stop complaining about it now

Dragonsplague annoying you in Dragon's Dogma 2? The game's next patch will make it slightly less frequent, and a bit easier to spot.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is very much a game that is doing exactly what it wants to do, even if it is a bit player hostile sometimes. One such bit of design that has caused a number of players some friction is dragonsplague, an illness that pawns can contract that in one part makes them stronger and more effective in combat, but on the other if left to fester those same pawns might go on to kill entire villages. It's actually quite a cool bit of design, with the disease spreading amongst pawns from save file to save file thanks to the game's online capabilities, though some have taken to creating mods that make it easier to determine how infected a pawn is.

Thankfully, as laid out in patch notes for an upcoming update, it seems like the disease won't be quite as infectious as it currently is. As shared on the game's Twitter, the next update will "reduce the infection frequency of dragonsplague" and adjust "infection signs to be more visible." An example of this is that "when infected, glowing eyes will be more noticeable." There's also an option being added that lets you zoom in on the faces of your own player character, as well as pawns, so hopefully that will let you more easily see if they have dragonsplague.

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