Saturday, April 27, 2024

Farewell, Freedich: ArcheAge will sail off into the sunset on June 27 when servers close in Europe and North America

Kakao Games will shut down European and North American servers for ArcheAge on June 27.

Released in both regions in 2014, servers for the open-world MMO are closing due to the decline of active players and users.

“After discussing the performance of ArcheAge with XL Games at length, we have concluded that we’re no longer able to provide the MMORPG we envisioned,” reads the notice. “The declining number of active players means the game’s content is no longer accessible in the way it used to be, and the experience of it is different from what was originally intended. In light of this, we’ve made the difficult decision to terminate the live service of ArcheAge in Europe and North America.

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