Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Remember Fallout 3's Three Dog? You might get to hear a "darker" DJ voiced by his actor in future Fallout TV series episodes

While Amazon's Fallout TV show crammed in more than enough references, easter eggs, and cameos - to the extent that a lot of us are still digging through them nearly a week on - there's still plenty left on the table for future episodes. Assuming a second series does go ahead, as we expect, you might get to hear a familiar voice from the Capital Wasteland take on an interesting new role.

Which voice, you ask? Well, remember when you had to do a bit of satelite dish maintenance in order to learn some more info regarding what on earth the Lone Wanderer's dad had been up to after he skedaddled out of Vault 101? Yeah, the guy that gave you that little mission.

Yep, it's everyone's favorite Galaxy News Radio personality, Three Dog, eeeeeoooooowwww (sorry, had to). Responding to a tweet from a fan suggesting they'd have loved to have heard him in the first series of Fallout, (thanks, TheGamer), Erik Todd Dellums, the Fallout 3 radio host's voice actor, has suggested he'd be open to making a cameo, but not as Three Dog.

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