Thursday, April 18, 2024

The American Oldboy remake turned out horrible, so they're making a TV series next

Almost everyone loves Spike Lee, but almost everyone also agrees that his Oldboy remake wasn't good. Somehow, we now find ourselves looking at the prospect of an Oldboy TV series.

Via The Hollywood Reporter, Lionsgate Television announced on April 17 that they're partnering with Korean filmmaker Park Chan-wook, the man behind the original 2003 masterpiece, to develop a new "English-language adaptation of the story."

It's important to remind yourself that Oldboy already was a loose-ish adaptation of the 1990s Japanese manga of the same name written by Garon Tsuchiya and lovingly illustrated by Nobuaki Minegishi. Park Chan-wook gave it a voice of his own so strong that it quickly became the must-watch South Korean action-thriller movie for most people, only amplifying that status over the years. If the tentative TV series looks at the manga for inspiration instead, there might be a slim chance of America actually cooking this time around, but we're definitely not holding our breath.

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