Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sony's vision for the future includes a controller that looks like a ring light with joysticks, and, er, Horizon Zero Dawn

Ok. So, as part of a corporate strategy meeting, Sony's decided to give us all a look at its "Creative Entertainment Vision" - basically what it thinks the world might look like from its perspective in ten years time. What's in the forecast for 2034, you ask? Well, some floaty gadgets and an open-world game that's just alright.

That's not to say the company isn't aiming high though, having even gone as far as creating renders for a game that's set to come out in 2035 - that's in this video's timeline, I stress, we don't know if this title about a woman just kinda flying through space will actually be a thing in the real world (I'd guess not).

Yup, if you check out the two minute-ish long glimpse that shows Sony's vision - you'll see some interesting things. There's some people standing around a futuristic table putting personal touches on that game I mentioned above - it's dubbed Ignition, but isn't the 90s racing game - by using their fingers to mainputate stuff hanging in the air.

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