Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Yep, you guessed it: The Fantastic Four is set in the '60s, and it sounds like some multiverse shenanigans are going on

You probably already theorised that the MCU's Fantastic Four film was going to be set in the '60s - and you'd be right!

Early this year, to commemorate Valentine's Day, Marvel finally announced just who it had cast in its Fantastic Four film. Right off the bat, based on the art that was released alongside the announcement, people were questioning whether the film might be set in the '60s, given the overall mid-century vibe, and helper robot that looks like something out of an old sci-fi movie. As it turns out, everyone who had that idea was right, as MCU head Kevin Feige confirmed as such in the first episode of the new Official Marvel Podcast (yes, everything does have a podcast these days, I know). Not only that, after another piece of art was shared of the Human Torch flying through New York City, some fans noticed that the city looked a bit futuristic, and not at all like the NYC they're familiar with in the MCU.

In turn, fans then also wondered if that meant the film was going to be set in another universe, and Feige seems to have been hinting that that might be the case in the same podcast episode. "So it is a period piece," Feige shared. "There was another piece of art we released with Johnny Storm flying in the air and making a Four symbol and there was a cityscape in the corner of that image. And there were a lot of smart people who noticed that that cityscape didn’t look exactly like the New York that we know, or the New York that existed in the ’60s in our world. Those are some smart, smart observations."

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