Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Guillermo del Toro's Star Wars movie could have been the fresh start the series needed

Acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro recently shared the simple, but still painful, reasons as to why his Jabba the Hutt Star Wars movie never happened.

Yes, yes, I know this isn't about a video game, but I only just found out that Guillermo del Toro almost made a Jabba the Hutt film, so just let me cook, OK? Now, I'm not someone who desperately needs some of the best directors around to work on one of the biggest IPs around, but man, del Toro surely would have made one heck of a Jabba film. Last month, it came to light that the Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth director was working on a script for a Jabba film "around four years ago," according to David Goyer (Man of Steel) on the Happy Sad Confused podcast.

Del Toro himself recently commented on the claim in a recent interview with Collider, where he offered a small bit of insight into the project. "We had the rise and fall of Jabba the Hutt, so I was super happy," del Toro shared. "We were doing a lot of stuff, and then it’s not my property, it’s not my money, and then it’s one of those 30 screenplays that goes away. Sometimes I'm bitter, sometimes I'm not."

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