Wednesday, November 15, 2023

18 years later Shadow the Hedgehog remains the series' guiltiest pleasure

Shadow the Hedgehog is the bravest Sonic game. I'll stand by that statement until I die, I swear to god. It's more out-there than Unleashed, more absurd than the Who Killed Sonic dating sim. It's also by no means the best Sonic game ever released, but as an occasional enjoyer of going fast and all that entails, it is damn interesting, even 18 years on.

Shadow the Hedgehog was such a swerve of expectations, such a wildcard. Some individual or group of people had a moronic idea. Let's take the speed out of Sonic - let's rip it right out and replace it with guns. How on earth this was percieved as a good idea is beyond me. Perhaps in some bold attempt to appeal to a whole new audience, entire departments looked at Shadow reloading an SMG menacingly and thought "yeah that rocks, the kids will love this."

I, tragically, was one of those kids, albeit on that fell victim a few years after the game's original release. I found Shadow the Hedgehog where all the great games of old could be found - gathering dust with a staggering discount on a shelf at GAME. That may be Shadow the Hedgehog's natural habitat to be honest, the place it always deserved to end up.

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