Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Sony's live action Spider-Verse continues to not feature Spider-Man in Madame Web's first trailer

Sony has dropped the first trailer for the next film set within its weird live-action, Spider-Man-less Spider-Verse, Madame Web.

It continues to baffle me that Sony is hellbent on creating some kind of Frankenstein live-action Spider-Verse without having a central Spider-Man from which it can spin off from. Sure, there's Tom Holland, but he obviously belongs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Venom made some amount of sense as a solo outing as they're an incredibly popular character (even if the fact they look like Spider-Man makes no sense in this case), but Madame Web, a film about a character that most people won't know, certainly is a choice that was made.

The first trailer for Madame Web released today (you can watch it above), and yeah, it truly looks like a film where someone said "alright, who have we got the rights to." It stars Dakota Johnson (The Social Network) as the titular Madame Web, aka Cassandra Webb, a paramedic with the ability to see into the future. Sometimes. Also, there's some guy called Ezekiel, played by Tahar Rahim, who looks like Spider-Man, but isn't Spider-Man, and he's a bad guy? He's from the comics too but, just, if we get into it here we'll be stuck for hours.

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